*Exclusive to the Environmental Authority designated by each capital city, co-organizing institutions, institutional allies and strategic partners It is by invitation only.
The average global temperature has increased by more than one degree Celsius since pre-industrial times. General information for capital cities here.
The Voice of Environmental Authorities in the Americas
Capitals and guest Cities
Buenos Aires, Sucre, Brasilia, Santiago, Bogotá, San José, La Habana, Quito, San Salvador, Guatemala, Tegucigalpa,
México, Managua, Panamá, Asunción, Lima, Santo Domingo, Montevideo, Caracas, Saint John, Nasáu, Bridgetown,
Belmopan, Ottawa, Roseau, Washington D.C., Saint George, Georgetown, Puerto Príncipe, Kingston, Basseterre,
Kingstown, Castries, Paramaribo, Puerto España, Los Angeles, Glasgow, San Juan, Río de Janeiro y Recife
The Forum will have simultaneous translation into English and Spanish
The event is by invitation only. The production will send the Authorities and Partners a zoom link to connect which will then be transformed into a TV production.
Message from the Mayor of Santiago Felipe Alessandri and message from the Mayor of Recife Geraldo Júlio
Message from Christophe Nuttall, Executive Director of Regions of Climate Action - R20
Message from Jennifer Lenhardt, WWF Global Cities Leader
Message from Casandra Rauser, Executive Director of UCLA Sustainable
The Grand Challenge
Message from Craig Perkins, President of The Energy Coalition
Message from the Mayor of Cuenca, Pedro Palacios, President of Climate Heritage Network
Message from Sergio Chesi, President for Bonnie Bio Latin America
Message from Carlos Monroy, CEO of BioUrban
Message from Micheel Wassouf, Vice-President of the Latin American Passivhaus Institute
10:00 - 10:27
10:40 - 10:50
Announcements of CC35 and strategic partner programmes and initiatives
10:50 - 11:10
ECLAC training and technical assistance Sustainable Mobility in the context of Carbon Neutrality 2050
11:10 - 11:15
Announcement for 2021 of the "3rd Forum of Local Environmental Authorities" in Guatemala City
11:15 - 11:20
Declaración de Santiago
11:20 - 11:30
Virtual Coffee Break
Video presentation of the 2nd Forum
Welcoming words of the Mayor of Santiago de Chile, Felipe Alessandri and the Councillor of Glasgow, Susan Aitken in the framework of the strengthening of the Santiago-Glasgow route promoted by the members of LGMA
Veronica Arias, Executive Director, CC35 Secretariat
Isabel Aguilera, Head of Environment, City of Santiago
Jordan Harris, Coordinator of Sub-National Governments, COP25
Message about Race to Zero from Gonzalo Muñoz, High Level Champion, COP25
Jennifer Lenhart, Global Director of the Cities Program, WWF
Rodrigo Perpetuo, Executive Director for South America, ICLEI
Joseluis Samaniego, Director of the Sustainable Development and Urban Settlements Division, ECLAC
JoseLuis Samaniego, Director of the Sustainable Development and Urban Settlements Division, ECLAC
María José Avendaño, Director of Environment, Guatemala City
Nigel Topping, High Level Champion COP26
Isabel Aguilera, Head of Environment, City of Santiago
The Santiago Declaration will be sent for endorsement by all capital cities of the Americas until November 1, 2020 in the framework of the COVID-19 health emergency
10:27 - 10:30
Winner "Green Capital of the Americas 2020"
10:30 - 10:40
Green New Deal: The Global Leadership of the City of Los Angeles
The Green Capital of the Americas Award is an award instituted and managed by the CC35 inspired by the European Green Capital to recognize one of 35 capitals in the hemisphere that can demonstrate specific and decisive leadership on the sustainability and commitment of their city. This model should be an example for other cities and have as one of its goals carbon neutrality 2050.
Lauren Faber O'Connor, City of Los Angeles Chief Sustainability Officer
11:30 - 12:30*
4 cities working groups supervised by CC35 together with the COP25 presidency and coordinated by UCLA, WWF, ICLEI and R20*
*This segment may be updated
Duane Muller
Group 1 Carbon Neutrality 2050
South America, Central America, the Caribbean and North America
Group 2 Sub-national financing
South America, Central America, the Caribbean and North America
Group 3 Climate legislation
South America, Central America, the Caribbean and North America
Group 4 Resilience
South America, Central America, the Caribbean and North America
Chyntia Menéndez
David Albertani
Rodrigo Corradi
12:30 - 12:40
Plenary of working group conclusions by the facilitators
A second day of work will be generated again for the cities that are part of the commonwealth countries and those that could not be present.
They lead the Santiago-Glasgow route
Allied Cities
Strategic partners
Consultations with the CC35 Secretariat at
La Araucaria araucana es de origen muy antiguo y se remonta a la época de los dinosaurios con una capacidad de supervivencia a toda prueba. Es tan antiguo que se han encontrado formas fosilizadas de un periodo muy temprano inclusive en Europa; lo que nos da una idea de su anterior extensión por el mundo para finalmente echar raíces en las tierras cordilleranas mas al sur del sur. El árbol llamado pehuén, reconoce como su hogar las tierras de Chile donde se lo encuentra hasta los 2000 metros de altura. Jardines botánicos del mundo lo han rescatado como ejemplar curioso para sus colecciones de plantas exóticas. Donde se siente mas a gusto es en el Chile pre-cordillerano donde vive en armonía con el pueblo Mapuche que lo quiere y lo cuida. Esta especie resiste la rudeza del clima y la dureza del terreno creciendo en zonas rocosas y arenosas, resiste a la fuerza del fuego y renace de las cenizas cuál ave fénix. Su madera en dura y resistente por eso es muy codiciada por la industria del mueble. Este árbol milenario ha sido bautizado bajo el sistema binomial cómo Araucaria araucana siguiendo la nomenclatura establecida por Von Lineé que tuvo la ocurrencia de querer establecer un orden en la naturaleza.
The Araucaria araucana is of very ancient origin and dates back to the time of the dinosaurs with a foolproof survival capacity. It is so old that fossilized forms from a very early period have been found even in Europe; which gives us an idea of its previous extension around the world to finally take root in the mountainous lands further south. The tree called pehuén, recognizes as its home the lands of Chile where it is found up to 2000 meters high. Botanical gardens around the world have rescued it as a curious specimen for their exotic plant collections. He feels most at home in pre-Cordilleran Chile where he lives in harmony with the Mapuche people who love and care for him. This species resists the harshness of the climate and the ruggedness of the terrain growing in rocky and sandy areas, it resists the force of fire and is reborn from the ashes like a phoenix. Its hard and resistant wood is therefore very coveted by the furniture industry. This millenary tree has been baptized under the binomial system as Araucaria araucana following the nomenclature established by Von Lineé who had the idea of wanting to establish order in nature.